Brownells Master Roll Pin Kit Review
If you have spent more than one year of your life with a level of interest in firearms which has compelled you to build, fix, modify, upgrade, or tinker with them, then you will be able to relate to the following story; if not, you can skim down to the nitty-gritty part of this review.
Your super stoked because you have finally received the last of your year long awaited, backordered, Biden Inflated parts and you're anxious to get started. You follow your favorite Pew-Tubers tutorial and you complete your entire lower receiver without a single issue. You move on to your upper and after you successfully mount your barrel to your upper receiver and you test fit your handguard you move onto the "hardest part" and try to insert that tiny roll pin into your favorite gas block. . . . and PEW the roll pin flies off into the abyss of your garage never to be seen again (should have used the masking tape trick). After exhausting your last nerve, you give up and order a new gas block roll pin, ever thankful for the wonderful Brownells Edge membership's two day shipping.
If you're into guns at all you've had something similar happen to you at one point or another. I have and it can be frustrating. When I found the Brownells Roll Pin Kit, I knew I would enjoy having the piece of mind a kit like this would bring knowing I would have any roll pin I could possibly need on a wide array of different projects.
If you want this awesome Roll Pin Kit, you can find it at the following link to Brownells;
The Brownells site does not show how it ships to you, and I was naive in thinking it would come pre-filled in the case ready to go.
The kit comes in a plastic bag which contains a bunch of baggies which hold all of the different size roll pins, and the plastic case which holds the organizer card.
I set about organizing the kit by laying all of the bags out on my workbench. Each bag is individually labeled (although not all the bags have the same labeling as you can see from above).
The card which comes with the kit is not secured in the case so I pulled it out and used it to help me organize the roll pins. Getting them into their proper place is somewhat an arduous task but once you get going, you hit a groove and it goes pretty fast.
I will start with my three critiques of the Roll pin kit;
First, this is the organization card which is included with the kit. It is well laid out and easy to follow and read. My only critique is I wish it was a sticker like other Brownells products I have ordered in the past.
I actually assumed it would be and tried to peel one corner apart only to find out it was just a printed card.
It is a minor complaint which was easily remedied with a bit of my kids glue stick, so its not a deal breaker.
Secondly, the yellow case really should be an inch or two bigger. I found any roll pin which was over an inch would not fit flat in the case which would cause the larger/longer roll pins to not all fit, requiring me to store those separately. Additionally, the medium sized roll pins ( 5/32x1/2 and 5/32x3/4) don't all fit in their designated slots without them spilling over the sides, and when you fill the two sizes up it would be very difficult to access one or the other without my fingers displacing them out of its container (basically too many pins for the little container space). So if Brownells made a 2" larger case with some larger compartments and a few more compartments it would make a huge difference. At the end of the day, it's not a huge deal to have a few extra roll pins in their baggies separate from the case.
Lastly, I think it would have been rad to have a Brownells Logo with "Roll pin kit" on the cover of the case. I think the yellow unmarked case is just a little to nondescript. I think I will have my buddy laser engrave something on there to fix it.
This Brownells Roll Pin Kit has a few flaws but the pros greatly outweigh the cons. It is a VERY comprehensive and includes a TON of roll pins, which unless you are a professional gunsmith you're likely to never run out of. I am stoked to have such a comprehensive and versatile assortment of roll pins. I know it will help on many future projects for years to come.
Also its worth noting Brownells offers a stainless steel version of this kit also which I plan on also buying. You can find a link to that kit here;
Remember, Faith Kills Fear!
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