Brownells Hammer Drop Block

If you would prefer to watch a video than read, you can watch my YouTube video review of this product through the following link;

I am by no means a professional gun smith; but after I built my first AR-15 more than a decade ago, I knew I was hooked.  Building AR style rifles is addicting and fun. Over the years I have built a number of my own and have helped many other friends build their own custom rifles.  If you have ever built a AR style rifle, than you probably have experienced the following:

You finally received all but one of your lower receiver parts (Which was made much easier with the help of Brownells) and you finally get notice the last part, which has been back ordered for 6 months, has shipped!  Right about now you are super stoked you pay for your Brownells Edge membership which gets you free 2 day shipping.

(You can find your edge membership at the following link)

You closely watch the tracking number and two days later, Christmas comes early when the last unobtainable part arrives on your front porch.  You quickly open it and set aside some ME time in your man/woman cave and you lay out all of your parts.  You start with the lower parts kit and trigger and after you get the anti rotation pins in place, and install the grip/safety selector detent and spring.  Now you are super excited to try out your awesome trigger and before you put on the buffer tube you flip the safety off.  You're experienced, so you know it can damage the hammer or receiver if you let the hammer slam home uninhibited.  So you do the age old trick of putting your thumb in there and pulling the trigger.  The hammer slams forward and everything is well protected, everything but your thumb! (See visual depiction below)

Enter the wonderful Brownells Hammer Drop Block! 

Not everyday will you get an entire blog post dedicated to a block of plastic, but when its this awesome, its getting exactly what it deserves. 

The Hammer Drop Block can be found through the following Brownells link;

The Hammer Drop Block appears to be made of a solid hard but non marring plastic/nylon material.  You can see the block is machined from a solid piece of plastic.  This is not a 3d printed part.

The hammer drop block fits perfectly from the top, into the lower receivers magazine well.  The block has a notch cut out of the left side which engages with the magazine catch and locks it securely into place. 

The block has a small protrusion of the plastic which sticks out and prevents the hammer from slamming into the lower receiver or the bolt stop/release.  Once you get it all installed, you can then test, adjust, or tune your triggers to your hearts content. 
You pull the trigger and the hammer hits the plastic with a satisfying THWACK. 
All you have to do then is manually push the hammer back into the locked position and you can test the trigger out again, and again, and again. 

I literally have zero bad things to say about this product.  My ONLY suggestion to Brownells is, MAKE ONE FOR THE AR-10 SIZE LOWER RECEIVER. At the time of this post Brownells only makes the block showcased here.  Hopefully that will change. The bottom line is, if your an enthusiast like I am or a full professional gunsmith, save your thumbs and get a better sense of the actual trigger behavior by buying one of these blocks, you will thank me. 

If you're curious about the trigger pictured above, it's the awesome Rise Armament RA-535.  You can find that trigger through the following Brownells link;

Remember, Faith Kills Fear!


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