Brownells BRN-22 TAKEDOWN Build REMIX


In my most recent post I ended the post with outlining all of the color combinations with the Tactical Solutions ODG X-Ring barrel.  After playing mix and match with all of the Magpul Backpacker Stocks I had on hand, I thought it looked best in the FDE stock (as pictured above).  But even in the FDE Backpacker stock the black receiver was still throwing me off.  It still looked just slightly "pieced together" to me and I wasn't completely satisfied with my final rifle.  So I went back to Brownells and started brainstorming and searching.  I came to the conclusion I needed to either make the receiver ODG to match the barrel, or make the barrel black to match the receiver.  I was talking to a very close friend about this conundrum I was having, and he actually called Tactical Solutions for me and they told him being that the barrels are anodized to their color through a proprietary process, they are very difficult to match with cerakote and they recommend contacting them prior to attempting to coat their anodized products as they have special instructions so the product doesn't get damaged.  I knew I actually really liked the anodized ODG color and knew 1) I was going to keep it, and 2) I was never going to be satisfied with an attempted matching cerakote job on the receiver.  SO, I decided my best option was to buy a different barrel and keep the ODG barrel for a future build.  

I went to Brownells and found the perfect replacement right away! And my Brownells Edge membership got my new barrel to me in two days! 

I chose the awesome Tactical Solutions SB-X 10/22 takedown barrel.  

The awesome thing about the Tactical Solutions SB-X barrel is it is a tapered barrel which is only 12.375" in length but it has a permanently affixed suppressor shroud which brings the total barrel length to an overall length of 16.625".  What all this means is you can mount a suppressor on your 10/22 takedown and  still keep a very short overall length, all while staying well within the requirements to keep the OAL of the barrel from turning your rifle into what the NFA classifies as an SBR. 

The barrel comes with a barrel extension which Tactical Solutions calls a "inert display suppressor."  Basically its a Tactical Solutions Suppressor clone which has no internal sound deadening baffles. Being that I currently live in California, I literally can't even apply for a Tax Stamp, so this is close as I am going to get to owning a suppressor until I move to a "Free State."  

Even with the fake suppressor attached, this barrel is very light weight. and despite it diminutive length, I anticipate it being very accurate.  As soon as I received the SB-X and saw it in person, I knew it would look AWESOME in the ODG backpacker stock I had originally purchased for this build. 

I set about removing the FDE stock and swapped the parts into the ODG stock.  I really love how easy these 10/22's come apart and reassemble.  You can literally swap out everything in just a few minutes. 

I wanted a decent optic at a inexpensive price and settled on the Primary Arms SLX MD-20 red dot.  It was the only part I purchased outside of Brownells, and my initial impressions of the red dot are very good. It installed easily with one screw and I think it really completed the look of the build. 

I am so stoked with how this custom 10/22 takedown turned out!  As I mentioned in my last post, the 10/22 platform is one of my all time favorites and building them is quite addicting.  Standby because there are several more 22 builds already in the works! I will provide links to all of the parts I used in this build.  It helps out my page when you use those links;

If you want to see the YouTube version of this review you can find it here;

You can find the Brownells BRN-22 takedown receiver at the link to Brownells below;
You can find the Tactical Solutions SB-X takedown barrel at the link to Brownells below;
Tactical Solutions SB-X Barrel You can find the awesome Powder River Precision 10/22 trigger assembly at the link to Brownells below;
Powder River Precision 10/22 trigger You can find the Magpul X-22 backpacker stock at the link to Brownells below;
Magpul X-22 Backpacker You can find me at instagram at the link below; You can find me on Facebook at the link below; If you have need of a quality Kydex holster you can find one at the link below and “Faithkillsfear10” will save you 10%;


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