Shooting the Volquartsen Summit
I do want to take a moment to compliment the Swampfox scope. While I was a bit underwhelmed with their rings, the scope was actually quite impressive, especially for the price. It has a nice crosshair with a very fine little dot in the center which lends itself very well to precision 22lr. shooting. It’s not light weight, but on this build I wasn’t super worried about weight.
This group was shot (like all of the groups) at 50 yards using Federal bulk ammunition. The first 4 shots were grouped smaller than 1/2”, and of course I threw the last shot.
This next 5 shot group was shot by my son Max (12yrs old) using the Federal bulk. It was about a 3/4” group. At this point the wind began to pick up and widened the groups a bit.
Next I loaded up some trusty CCI mini mags and was able to get another group just north of 1/2” (if you don’t count the pesky flier) despite the wind.
Next I loaded up some bulk Aguila and was able to get another 3/4” group.
My son and I ended the day using the Summit to split playing cards. It only took Max 4 shots to split this card at 50 yards.
Overall, I am extremely happy with this build. The Titan stock is wonderful; it is rigid and comfortable. The Summit action is very cool and easy to operate, even with one finger; although I feel I should mention, the action took several magazines to loosen it up a bit. The Swampfox scope was great, and the whole rifle has proven to be very accurate!
I purchased every part of this build from Brownells and saved a ton of money. You can find the parts used in this build and other great deals at the following link;
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